Building inclusive communities by promoting gender equality

Women’s empowerment is fundamental to CNFA’s mission of stimulating economic growth and improving rural livelihoods. By building programs around measurable targets, CNFA works not only to increase women’s participation in and benefits from program interventions, but also to increase women’s empowerment in the agricultural sector. By supporting women-owned and operated businesses and training women in business skills and entrepreneurship, CNFA helps increase women’s access to inputs, information, and markets, boost their share of household income, and increase their control of income and household decision-making. This leads to increased spending on nutrition and schooling, improved food security, and better quality of life for women and their families. Constructive male engagement is a critical piece of women’s empowerment. CNFA works with men, women, and caretakers to increase understanding by all members of the household of the elements that enable women’s access to resources that improve economic and nutritional outcomes for the whole family.